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/* SampleStorageDisplay.h */
#ifndef Included_SampleStorageDisplay_h
#define Included_SampleStorageDisplay_h
/* SampleStorageDisplay module depends on */
/* MiscInfo.h */
/* Audit */
/* Debug */
/* Definitions */
/* SampleConsts */
/* FixedPoint */
/* Memory */
/* DataMunging */
/* Scrap */
/* Files */
#include "SampleConsts.h"
#include "FixedPoint.h"
struct SampleStorageDisplayRec;
typedef struct SampleStorageDisplayRec SampleStorageDisplayRec;
/* create a zero-length sample storage object */
SampleStorageDisplayRec* NewSampleStorageDisplayEmpty(NumBitsType NumBits,
NumChannelsType NumChannels);
/* create a zero-length sample storage object */
SampleStorageDisplayRec* NewSampleStorageDisplayData(NumBitsType NumBits,
NumChannelsType NumChannels, largefixedsigned* DataBlock);
/* dispose of a sample storage object */
void DisposeSampleStorageDisplay(SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage);
/* get the number of bits being represented in this sample */
NumBitsType GetSampleStorageDisplayNumBits(
SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage);
/* get the number of channels being represented in this sample */
NumChannelsType GetSampleStorageDisplayNumChannels(
SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage);
/* get the number of frames stored in this object */
long GetSampleStorageDisplayNumFrames(
SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage);
/* get a value from in the array */
largefixedsigned GetSampleStorageDisplayValue(SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage,
long Index, ChannelType WhichChannel);
/* find out if the array has been changed since last being saved */
MyBoolean DoesSampleStorageDisplayNeedToBeSaved(
SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage);
/* change the number of bits being used to store the data */
void SetSampleStorageDisplayNumBits(
SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage, NumBitsType NewNumBits);
/* change the number of channels being stored in the array */
MyBoolean SetSampleStorageDisplayNumChannels(
SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage,
NumChannelsType NewNumChannels);
/* change the value of one of the sample points */
void SetSampleStorageDisplayValue(SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage,
long Index, ChannelType WhichChannel,
largefixedsigned NewValue);
/* indicate that the object has been saved */
void SampleStorageDisplayHasBeenSaved(
SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage);
/* insert a bunch of zeros into the array */
MyBoolean InsertSampleStorageDisplayArea(
SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage, long Index,
long NumFramesToInsert);
/* delete a range of values from the array */
MyBoolean DeleteSampleStorageDisplayArea(
SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage, long Index,
long NumFramesToDelete);
/* extract part of the sample & create another sample record containing it */
SampleStorageDisplayRec* ExtractSampleStorageDisplaySection(
SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage, long Index,
long NumFramesToExtract);
/* insert one sample into another at a certain point */
MyBoolean InsertSampleStorageDisplaySection(
SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage, long Index,
SampleStorageDisplayRec* DataToInsert);
/* dump the contents of the object and install a copy of the contents of another */
MyBoolean SampleStorageDisplaySetContents(
SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage,
SampleStorageDisplayRec* NewData);
/* put the raw data for the sample onto the clipboard */
void PutSampleStorageDisplayOnClipboard(
SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage);
/* get a sample off the clipboard. returns NIL if the scrap isn't a sample */
SampleStorageDisplayRec* GetSampleStorageDisplayFromClipboard(void);
/* get a copy of a particular channel of data from the sample */
largefixedsigned* SampleStorageDisplayGetChannelFixed(
SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage, ChannelType WhichChannel);
/* put a new block of data into the sample object. a copy of the block is made */
MyBoolean SampleStorageDisplayPutMonoFixed(
SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage, largefixedsigned* Data);
/* put two new blocks of data into a stereo sample object. copies are made */
MyBoolean SampleStorageDisplayPutStereoFixed(
SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage, largefixedsigned* Left,
largefixedsigned* Right);
/* flush any undo information */
void SampleStorageDisplayFlushUndo(SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage);
/* save the object to a temporary file so that we can undo any changes. */
/* if it couldn't be done, then it returns False */
MyBoolean SampleStorageDisplaySetupForUndo(SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage);
/* find out if we can undo something */
MyBoolean SampleStorageDisplayUndoAvailable(SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage);
/* try to undo something. returns True if the undo data was successfully recovered. */
/* the current state is swapped with the recovered state */
MyBoolean SampleStorageDisplayUndo(SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage);
/* get the actual raw data in the channel */
largefixedsigned* SampleStorageDisplayGetActualData(SampleStorageDisplayRec* Storage);